About 1% of the world's population has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Over 75,000,000 people.
More children are being diagnosed with autism than ever before. Autism prevalence has increased 317% since 2000.
Around 40% of people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder are Non-Verbal - over 30,000,000 people.
The latest research in 2023 shows that 1 in 36 children is now diagnosed with autism.
But there is a way to communicate without relying on speech.
“Eye Get It” application converts speech to images. It will help understand speech better with the visuals.
Application has two levels: basic and advanced. Basic mode will help to establish primary communication, learn new words and phrases. Advanced mode has special features: illustrated message sending option and expanded image library.
With the Artificial Intellect technology assistance, you will be able to convert any word to image you need.
For experienced users we have Advanced mode. With that mode you will be able to send illustrated message to the recipient and receive answers. This is so fast, easy and convenient!
It is easy! Three steps to begin.
Download application and install it on your device.
Complete registration process. You can use your Google, Apple or Facebook account.
Setup your account, choose the language, avatar and level.
Start recording your first message. Application will convert it to the images right away.
Connect second device and explore Child mode. Help your child to compose answers by choosing right card.
Experiment with switching level. We have two levels: basic and advanced.
EYE GET IT Interview
Diana Maksimceva
Mantas Indrasius
Elgars Dorosko
Rolands Fridemanis
Deniss Maksimcevs
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